Friday, June 19, 2009

How To Drain Pus From A Finger

What next now? Surprisingly

Yesterday was my birthday. Moreover, the democracy, as I knew them so far buried. Not by a mentally disturbed Dictator, not by a military coup - no, only 389 members of parliament who have managed only 60 years after the Basic Law again set aside the separation of powers and censorship in Germany again to make socially acceptable. Depending on how this decision will impact in the coming years could be my birthday so soon become a federal holiday or a day of remembrance.

And I must say, it's really not fun. It all what we do here actually still make sense? Interested about anyone (outside of the network world) for what we do, ask what we dream? 134 000 or we are nerds, a minority in fact anyone interested. It almost seems to me to be so.

Zensursula Internet is the defining theme of recent weeks - but in the "other" world is the theme seems like not so well received. No matter who I'm talking about, the subject is virtually unknown, and if so, then you stand on the side of Zensursula. So perhaps we are a minority and the majority of Germans are for censorship. I do not know.

What I know now that I think our politicians elite a shit interested and that I seriously consider need as it goes for me, because I feel that my frustration over the impotence of my doing slowly but surely can be eaten.


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