I wanted to hide the issue altogether. But then there were requests, why not a blog about photography on this "important show," so the only all two years will be reported.
between the holidays is a little time to comment on it - so we go at it.
curious: Photokina 2008 was the 23 to 28 September in Cologne. So just over a quarter of a year. Why have you not written to date about it?
Matthias: Well one hand, the editorial was more than enough information on the Web - at least quantitatively, on the other hand, I've registered moods and parts from manufacturers such as media, of course, and wanted to draw a personal conclusion.
curious: Why this restriction on the quantity of coverage?
Matthias: I will and can not generalize. There was and is also objective, competent journalists who really understand photography and also publish this. Not to be denied is the fact that many editorial offices are administratively under the advertising departments of the respective publishers. In other words, advertisers will be kept in good spirits.
curious: And then be manipulated tests?
Matthias: Certainly not. At least that is kind of my former work as a freelance editor at a large German publisher in the PC sector so not become apparent. However, critical comments were deleted just about products of advertisers. This also contributes to the wrong opinion.
curious: What are positive examples of information sources on the Internet?
Matthias: could certainly name a few. I myself feel at http://www.dkamera.de/ well. Informative objectivity - that's what I like.
curious: Interview: What's bothering you - especially in regard to reporting at Photokina 2008 - the other?
Matthias: very much. For example, trends that promoted who are not. That small things in technical improvements are hailed as breakthroughs. Some lack the expertise - you take on too fast and too uncritical press releases from the vendor, is partly to the pressure to fill pages (both on the web and in print) and in part, they are the described dependencies on specific customer.
curious: Can you to give some examples?
Matthias: Take for example the controversial topic of "Compact Cameras" (here actually even the so-called bridge cameras http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridgekamera ) vs. DSLR ( http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiegelreflexkamera ). When the first DSLR with Live View ( http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Live-View ) on the market, we cheered. Until such time, this was a typical feature (and advantage) of the compact cameras. Video record was (on the sense and nonsense a moot point) so far as the compacts reserved. To the Nikon D90 first DSLR, this also allowed. At the Photokina Canon followed with the professional camera EOS 5D Mark II (21.1 megapixels, price € 2,500). With this in full HD resolution of 1,920 x 1,080 pixels be movies at 30 frames per second possible. Really interesting
is presented to the fair Panasonic DMC-G1 ( http://www.focus.de/digital/foto/panasonic-dmc-g1-spiegelreflexkamera-ohne-spiegel_aid_344261.html ), was the first time to dispense with the mirror and which - apart from the interchangeable lenses - actually very similar to the compact.
short, the boundaries are blurring the stereotypical thinking along the lines of "professional DSLR =" in my view makes no sense.
curious: are not professionals or semi-professionals really better off with a DSLR?
Matthias: would I not want to say so general, as this depends on the intended use is. Had the manufacturer of its Bridge cameras are so developed as the DSLR, you could avoid the extra charge for the SLR often - both as an amateur and as a professional. Just one example: Sony's R1 has shown what is possible in bridge cameras. I just make this camera in the Enduro sports excellent services. Fast manual zooming over a wide area, no stress with dust on the ground ... I do not see why should I then move to a DSLR.
The problem that I see: The suppliers want to earn at the periphery. So in addition to selling the body as many lenses and other accessories. Profit maximization of repeat business virtually. Something that in well-equipped compact cameras is not possible. I'm sure that alone would have cost me the lens in the DSLR range, the same as I paid for the entire compact camera Sony R1. And this is probably the reason why Sony has discontinued the development of the camera.
curious: To still remain briefly at the cameras: What development do you wish for the future?
Matthias: In my eyes, face detection and image stabilizer functions certainly helpful as I see Smile, Blink and similar functions as a gimmick and do not need. Producers should know how their rather to ensure that shooting in light to simplify critical situations. Since the laws of physics can not be avoided, I see a meaningful way is to stop the madness and make the pixel sensors in addition to the appearance sufficiently large. What is currently offered in the mass market, often simply scrap. Many of the cameras deliver despite 10MP sensor worse photos than about my six year old Olympus C50 5-MP. Maybe this market is the "Fun-Cams" and justified - but I hope that focusing on this segment is not too strong.
Oh yes, GPS and Wi-Fi capabilities are two things I wish for my work to the next camera. Otherwise it works at least for me so that I shoot in manual mode anyway and various menus rather than a nuisance rather than feel helpful.
curious: Well were seen at Photokina not just cameras. It was also about related products, and image services. Did you here can identify new trends?
Matthias: were in the field of professional image output, especially in single-pass inkjet printers, UV-LED printers and water-based latex inks focus. These are already topics of interest, one can only wonder what's going on here. The trend to digital photo frames I personally pushed - this I had already Blog written ( http://asp-fotos.blogspot.com/2008/07/digitale-bilderrahmen-floppen.html ). As for photographic services is, creativity is needed and this will certainly lead to new, interesting quotes and replace the printed coffee mug or mouse pad.
curious: your views for image editing software?
Matthias: The top dog is well known to Adobe, the latest official version of Photoshop CS 4, with which one can make a lot - to targeted image manipulation. Only: 2000 .- € on the one hand are not exactly chicken feed, on the other hand, sufficient to image enhancement also cheaper or even free programs. Some of them I even introduced in the blog ( http://asp-fotos.blogspot.com/search/label/Bildbearbeitung ). This raises the question: "What will you do?" In order to choose a piece of software. In this context, another tip: Some image-editing programs at the same more or less powerful photo management features provide, that the documented archiving to backup. In my view, an important point that should not be underestimated.
curious: Thanks for your answers.
Matt: You're welcome. I notice: You have me a kind of conclusion from the cross geleiert - though not necessarily at Photokina 2008, yet as a summary of the year 2008 ...