Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What Is White Lotion Like Discharge

The secret phone data from Stefan Petzner

It's really a circus monkey, the Petzner listing here now, when the Tageszeitugn "today" think. First, he cries his eyes in front of the camera, he insists, as very "loved" it but its life and people that he Haider shortly before the accident alone was out on his nightly journey.

that Petzner phone information and the phones themselves by a Carinthian law have now been requested and is supposedly on behalf of the widow of the Governor is again a nice gag the newspaper "Today", which is known from being able to fly make elephants .*)

The date of calls are the German Federal Intelligence Service and the local police in Carinthia known for weeks.

Petzner phones have already been researched completely!

he phoned in this evening after 20.30 clock According to the minutes of the operator
2 times to a number A1, 3 times
times with Jörg Haider
1 with the fixed line of urban grocer
and he sent three SMS messages to Haider
content of messages? The leaked
not to long ....

Der Text der Nachrichten wurde in einer Abschrift beim BND hinterlegt ebenso beifnden sich Kopien in der ermittelnden Behörde in Kärnten!

Although it was said: The Director of Public Prosecutions in Klagenfurt, Gottfried Kranz, said the judiciary had not let the phone Haider check. The reason: it was not legally relevant, since Haider was injured in the accident or anyone else killed. Wreath aware has nothing left out "because the content is apparently too explosive.

But: Where did "Today" this nonsense was with Haider's widow calls certainly is true that she said, "I will finally find peace," that the rumor that she wanted to have the data from Petzner powered phone and on her lawyer had eingefordetr she commented with a single word, it has the journalist of "today" only said that she wants to be left alone because they do not comment on the matter ... unfortunately not true! Today

tried the small Austrian edition of the BILD to be, just in IMAGE are professionals working in the terrain of the Boulevard, "Today" is small in size and small-minded and, unfortunately, completely unprofihaft.

Although the red "half of the empire" be close to it, hence only the imprint, are also high Viennese politicians and politicians of the Social Democratic Party (such as Grete Laska), some "pissed off" completely unjustified. This despite the following fact:
GF Wolfgang Jansky, before he was CEO of the free newspaper "Today" was, Werner Faymann spokesman in Times of the city government of Vienna. He has a close relationship to the SPÖ. That "Today" also published by EVA Dichand is the daughter of crown holder Dichand is also such a thing of wondrous linkages. For Dichand was indeed at that time also by SPÖ Minister Faymann the anti-EU letter.

"Today," so to speak, is the corrective to the current Social Democratic Party-friendly price of the crown.
Ausgrechnet this rag bags back to something about Haider's accident.
much hot air ....

*) example? Today bags a harmless little room fire (message on the homepage of the Vienna Fire Brigade) to the Inferno on - after "modification" of the writer, the small fire in the "horror of the apartment owner - cause of the fire because (in winter!) On the balcony of the Electrical failure of a refrigerator and had begun to burn -


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