Sunday, August 3, 2008

Has Anyone Used Trinity Credit Services

Panorama freedom in danger

order conceptual errors: It is in this post not to admit eights together panoramas of landscapes, but the Panorama freedom in the legal sense.

Taking pictures of roads, buildings or works of art in public spaces, so in places that are accessible to everyone, such as pedestrian zones or places is now allowed by law. The Law on Copyright and Related Rights regulated in § 59, that there is a so-called panorama or streets of freedom, for the protected subject matter such as art objects or buildings that are visible from public roads from may be reproduced image. It may therefore be taking pictures and especially public.

And where is the problem?

was fact, until recently, our general understanding of freedom of panorama, to the Study Commission on Culture in Germany "of the Bundestag decided to have a bar of any knowledge and without consulting the journalists' associations to try to restrict freedom of panorama significantly. The recommendation is a levy on the mapping of works - other than a building - set in a public space that occurs when the image is commercially exploited and the representation intention is directed to the respective work. to find as on page 265 of the report of the Commission of Inquiry . In the case

Panorama of freedom you have to wonder, what criteria have led to this rather strange proposal. The suspicion is that it opens a mixture of desire, another source of revenue for compensation instances of every color and a lack of understanding (not to speak of distrust) may have been for photographers.

I do not now repeat the often-voiced sentence "In the future, we still pay taxes for a Breath" - but the thought of these questionable Commission go in this direction and are not in this form to understand.

I would therefore like any hobby, semi-professional photographer and ask again at / to look over, to form an opinion and if necessary to articulate there.

wrote How Urs Schweitzer there so aptly: "The initiative" PRO PANORAMA FREEDOM ".. I fully support the elimination or limiting freedom of panorama meets every freelance photographers, the photo agencies and many publishers into Mark It creates only" work "for lawyers, but unfortunately fits in with the general trend and control everything everyone to want to monitor and is ultimately nothing more than censorship. Welcome to Absurdistan!


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