Friday, October 9, 2009
The Best Price For Bluntvills
After the crown newspaper reported 10 days ago that former Bezirksvorsteherstellverter, Wolfgang Walluch, can not be found for weeks, circulating in the coffee houses and gossip centers the wildest rumors.
that the information on the week-long "untraceable" by Wlfgang Walluch also came to the crown newspaper is likely due to an indiscretion.
It comes directly from the party that Walluch represented in the district of Parliament - the SPÖ.
Walluch had some internal opponents, his appointment as Deputy District already heavily criticized at the time. Now, stories are circulating about a serious disease that moved him to lay his functions back.
was now Anton Mandl - so far "only" county council - new District Deputy, he expects the party leadership and the Vienna Döblinger leadership that he brings order and strengthen the activities of the county line in SPÖ.
Walluchs that "disappearances" in the context of a decline in the party fund is, was denied by the courier of the SPÖ Döbling. Information on other rumors making the rounds, however, but in the district. The police should have included investigations - an information paper to the crown came from a former high-ranking member of SP, which has a direct line to the editorial. As it seems, is trying a small group within the socialists in the 19th to cause unrest district.
on the new man in the head, Anton Mandl, waiting in any case a lot of work.
Pirates of Canada - will tell.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Ls Model Bd Company Blog
The Freeman Blog should click fast ... a very interesting article:
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Synergeyes Multifocal Review 2010
My politicians Blog has moved. From now on you will find all the stories, letters and opinions about my life in politics under the new address:
I hope you will I remain a loyal - and see you on the new page in the new layout, with many new features.
Can My Wife Use My United Miles
So, the answer of Mrs. Bruening (CDU, Member of Parliament) I will not hide from you ...
Dear Mr. Rump
Thanks for your opinion on the fight against child pornography on the Internet. " I would like you to answer you.
The main points of the law adopted last Friday are:
- Random visits to child pornography sites are prevented by a stop-page. The stop-page is a clear, overall social signal for the power to stop and this will leave the legal space. get
- users, for example through links in spam e-mails on these stop-page, do not risk prosecution. The resulting data may not be used for it!
- A data protection officer designated by the panel of experts can view the CRL check of the BKA at any time.
- deleting going on locks: The pages are locked only if the content is not to or can not be addressed promptly. The evil is so opposed to the root.
- blocking measures are explicitly limited to child pornographic sites!
- After three years, reviewed the law and optimized.
I am aware that this Act will not prevent the production and consumption of child pornography. There is no single solution. This should not prevent us, however, from taking measures to prevent at least some crimes. I understand that the law is no panacea - but a further step in our overall strategy to protect the children.
Mr Rump, the wording of your letter and your advice was very disappointing, because you just are not in any way the seriousness of this situation. This I say to you deliberately short and factual. Perhaps we may be able in this way, get them an understanding of the changes we have legislation.
Sincerely, Your
Monika Brüning
Friday, July 3, 2009
Can Cervical Polyp To Shrink
Mr Rump
your new e-mail me once again shows how important is the issue. I think it's good that you deal sound so the issue of child pornography / censorship.
I am like you think that a mere ban related to all areas of culture does not work. You have to carefully differentiate before you adopt a ban. The SPD parliamentary group sees such as the protection of minors preventive measures would be useful as a blanket prohibition. Here, we have often disagreed with the CDU / CSU.
I will keep your notes on child pornography as well as in mind the arguments of those who have signed the online petition. Please note however, that we have good reasons for the "Law against child pornography in communication networks" had I had explained.
I Please understand that I can not go into detail your new e-mail because I have to answer a variety of other requests.
Caren Marks MP
Well, maybe my email so at least brought a little something. Sweat of the squirrel and "Constant dripping wears away the stone" - is not it?
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Kates Playground In Las Vegas
Unbelievable but true. As if they had agreed, I have yesterday and today, the answers given by Mrs Bruning (CDU, MP) and Ms Marks (SPD, MBB) to my mail regarding the "Act Zensursula " get.
And fortunately, both ladies have probably read my mail, because they both complain about the "tone" of my mail. The arguments are ultimately the same, were a thousand times - written down like a mantra. However, I will kundun the answers here now.
Today the first of Mrs. Marks, I have also answered the same again below. Mrs. Bruning, I will answer as soon as it again:
Mr Rump
despite the polemical undertone of your comments on the Act to combat child pornography in communication networks, on 18 was decided by the Bundestag in June 2009, I want your allegations Taking a stand.
I can not understand your assertion that we had in the conception of the law "not to use expert advice" given or the online petition. Rather, just the expert opinions are included in the modification imposed by the SPD of the Bill. The SPD parliamentary group has always been the arguments of the online petition in view and be taken seriously.
The fight against the proliferation of child pornography on the Internet is an important issue. This should be largely undisputed. Also, the Internet is not above the law. Unlawful conduct there can be a normal criminal or civil penalties.
By now decided law was the original bill quite significantly revised and improved, with the SPD parliamentary group its main changes proposed in the negotiations could succeed with the Union Group. We have therefore also the major criticisms that have arisen from the federal hearing and the opinion of the Bundesrat well received.
The final decision has particularly brought the following changes.
first "Delete before locking":
The scheme codifies the principle of "Delete Prior Lock. Then a block is due to the irresponsible Internet connectivity only be considered, when a prevention of the proliferation of child pornographic content through measures against the responsible person is not possible or not within a reasonable time is promising.
second Control of the BKA list: The new rules will
to the desire for more transparency and to establish an independent panel of experts at the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information. In view of the predominantly legal tasks, namely to assess whether they meet the content requirements of § 184 b StGB, the majority of the members of the five-member committee have the ability to be a judge. The members are entitled to see the blocked list at any time and check. At least once a quarter is also additionally on the basis of a relevant number of sampling, a test of whether the records meet the conditions on the restricted list of section 1, sentence 1. If the majority of the board come to the conclusion that this was not the case, the Federal Criminal Police Office to delete the entry in the next update of the list. The expert panel by the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and freedom of information for the duration of the validity of the law (December 31, 2012) ordered.
third Privacy:
The law is exclusively on prevention. Traffic and usage data, the difficulty of access due to the redirection to the incurred stop message must not be used for purposes of prosecution. This also ruled out that could see through spam misguided users of suspended an investigation. Moreover, no storage of personal data in Internet providers is more planned.
4th Special Legislation: The
in the bill so far for the Telemedia Act proposed arrangements for the access difficulty be transferred to a special legal regulation. Exclusive aim of the law is the difficulty of Internet access to child pornography. With the new scheme based in a special law will still be clear that an access difficulty should be excluded on other content. The amendment is one of the so many fears, difficulty of access could be extended to medium term.
5th Limitation:
The validity of the law is limited until 31.12.2012. On the basis of the assessment after two years of evaluation, the legislature is in a position to examine and evaluate whether the intervention was successful, to reach a definitive conclusion.
fight with the new legislation we are not only the distribution of child pornography on the Internet, but also protect Internet users, enabling secure constitutional principles and a transparent process. "Play through a couple of nights"
to your suggestion that I should, that I may the subject of "killer games" "a little about the subject matter get," I would note that I have succeeded me otherwise fully engaged in this matter to incorporate.
Caren Marks MP
--------------------------------------- -------------------------------
And here's my response to Ms. Marks:
Dear Mark,
thanks for your reply. I am not a political professional, so I ask my polemical tone of the last Mail to apologize. The whole subject, I am a little emotionally involved, so this has probably also affected my writing style.
I fear though that it does not help, but I would nevertheless not a few of your answers can be left unchallenged and you briefly my views on this, as neutral as possible to tell:
locks before deleting
Sounds good at first, but what is a "reasonable effort"? If an officer once on the page looks, the deletion is too expensive? The law is too lax, and tempted to block rather than to delete. How easy it is nowadays provider to delete this to move illegal content, was last shown clear on many occasions.
control of the list
The Panel checked every few months at random. These tests are still secret. Is this an effective control? Do you really? Do you not also, that the holders of blocked sites as soon as the stop sign on it, move your site again and will not be at hand?
Special Legislation
Yeah, this law can not be used for other locks. But the infrastructure is in place. Some sentences in the area of copyright referred to the last significant effort to block sites. When the infrastructure Now where is that claimants will fail in such processes even more on a lock - and the old argument any more. What do you believe what happened then? Furthermore, in the CDU have already talked about it openly censor other side to lock / - to everyone's favorite killer games. Then when the pages come with unwanted opinions?
All experts agree that the law or these locks that can really handle easily, no protection of the abused children brings with it effectively discourages anyone from the use of these horrific images - but the infrastructure established for censorship. That's the problem. Furthermore, the objections were
of 134 000 voters who signed the petition against Suppose this note in any way. Why else would the law was before the hearing of the Petitions Committee in virtually no time "thoroughly beaten"?
And I would also like to add more: The Internet is already today a legal vacuum. This polemical phrase is really just hollow. Existing laws allow for prosecution of all crimes on the Internet - and instead choose kamp fit a little of the symptoms of certain problems herumzudoktorn, the money could perhaps invest in a better equipped police, so that really happens. That would be my opinion the better solution.
Current Approaches of German politics these days usually begin with the word "prohibition". Whether it comes to computer games, paintball, movies, websites, flatrate parties or other things. Knee-jerk and ask your colleagues bans on this and that. Here, too, the short-term symptoms instead of once arrived at rumfrickeln-term solutions to pursue.
Dear Mrs. Marks, which is very frustrating and raises for me and many other citizens of my generation feel misunderstood and not well represented in politics has become. I am glad to hear that you have incorporated into the subject of computer games - if the so, they have many other members of the Bundestag, in my opinion, far ahead.
Thorben Rump
What Is The Meaning Of The Black Jelly Bands
(Wunstorf, 30.06.2009) Tour of Germany 09 of the FDP parliamentary group: Great The mobile classroom comes to Wunstorf / Steinhude

On Friday, the Tour of Germany 2009 03:07:09 stop in Wunstorf / Steinhude makes Clock From 14.00 bis 16.30 Infobus the clock is moving with the classroom on the beach terraces.
informed the site about the Member of Parliament Patrick Doering on the work of the FDP parliamentary group in the 16th Legislature and is available for discussions. "The most important thing in parliamentary work and decisions are not meetings, but the most important thing is the people, for our Policy making, "said.
Overall, the tour travels Patrick Döring Germany 09 of the FDP parliamentary group of 8 June to 16 July 2009 on 80 stations throughout the Republic.
more information, see
Image: FDP parliamentary group
I'm certainly no expert on mail order and I do not know the numbers of sources. But stick to 50 million in an ailing company, a company that is barely able to pay telephone and electricity yet. 50 million for a company in a dying industry - the catalog business, a company that the leap to the internet has never managed properly. EUR 50 million tax dollars as a loan, we may never see again are - 3 months before the election - if I may before the English.
I just say "wood man" ... 1999 Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder announced the rescue of the construction group. About two years later, Philipp Holzmann had finally broke. The Belgian Gevaert Group calls still around 200 million euros damages from Deutsche Bank.
Why should our politicians learn from mistakes?
Friday, June 19, 2009
Difference Between Chicken Pox And Fifths Disease
Dear Mrs Marks, Mrs Bruning,
I'm disappointed, that both of you voted last night for the introduction of censorship and the abolition of the separation of powers in Germany. Each deputy is required only to his conscience - and so I have to see, therefore, that the opinion of at least 134 000 citizens (who have signed the online petition) is not interested and they still appeared to be nothing on the opinion of experts All of them were against this set.
of your online campaign by both parties so far have been relatively weak, now ladies you can save him is complete - because for the people who every day with, perhaps even live "On the Internet", which I and the subsequent Generations belong to these people are SPD and CDU by now become unelectable.
So you save the money and save any bank or any other company, maybe you can use it to score points at least for the other population groups. Or use the money to buy some computer games and play through a couple of nights, so you might get at least the issue of "killer games" a little about the subject matter.
A very, very disappointed people.
How To Drain Pus From A Finger
Yesterday was my birthday. Moreover, the democracy, as I knew them so far buried. Not by a mentally disturbed Dictator, not by a military coup - no, only 389 members of parliament who have managed only 60 years after the Basic Law again set aside the separation of powers and censorship in Germany again to make socially acceptable. Depending on how this decision will impact in the coming years could be my birthday so soon become a federal holiday or a day of remembrance.
And I must say, it's really not fun. It all what we do here actually still make sense? Interested about anyone (outside of the network world) for what we do, ask what we dream? 134 000 or we are nerds, a minority in fact anyone interested. It almost seems to me to be so.
Zensursula Internet is the defining theme of recent weeks - but in the "other" world is the theme seems like not so well received. No matter who I'm talking about, the subject is virtually unknown, and if so, then you stand on the side of Zensursula. So perhaps we are a minority and the majority of Germans are for censorship. I do not know.
What I know now that I think our politicians elite a shit interested and that I seriously consider need as it goes for me, because I feel that my frustration over the impotence of my doing slowly but surely can be eaten.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Ballet Shoe Cake Mould
Guido Westerwelle once said in an interview on TV when he get up in the morning and in your bathrobe sitting at the breakfast table, then angry, he is also about high executive pay and discuss passionate about it, but once he swap his bathrobe to his work clothes, that's a topic that he did not occupy as a politician.
I'm not doing too often. For example, the issue of smoking or non smoking. I am Non smoking since I was in the world. Never a cigarette or the like has found its way into my mouth. I not like the smell of cigarettes, the smell of my clothes after a disco visit and Gequalme in restaurants is me fully on the mind. BUT this is my personal opinion, nothing else - and that is very different from my political opinion.
For I am of the opinion that every person has the right to do unhealthy things, things that I do not like that I would never do that I think is stupid or unacceptable. As long as they restrict me in my freedom. No one will seriously argue that smoking is healthy. It belongs to freedom in our country to make things that are unhealthy or dangerous. There are plenty of other recreational pursuits, which appear to be stupid and unhealthy or even total, but no one is (so far!) had the idea to forbid or proscribe socially to: drink Cliff-diving, bungee jumping, alcohol, car racing, and much more.
play Yet our leaders in this area (smoking) and current also increased other in ever more areas than moral high to want to dictate to us what we do have our freedom and what is decent or indecent .
Strikingly, this happens frequently whenever just back to really basic issues in this country no answer is found. They would survive by-theaters where you can seemingly score points easily. The latest coup to come back again for smoking are, shock images on cigarette packs. These images are to make the smoker feel guilty and ostracize him morally. Incidentally, this is an idea of the SPD. Particularly interesting I find these attacks on smoking and always in the context before Tabacksteuer that can at least pay taxes Glimmstengel worth over 5 billion euros a year. No matter.
How about the future to scan at all Formula One cars burning a picture of Niki Lauda, with the slogan "racing can lead to severe burn injuries"?
Our politicians, unable to really Problems of the 21st to solve century fight in side scenes, to seek easy opponents and play moral high ground, we do not want.
They are Internet-savvy users as pedophiles, computer games and paintball players as madmen, smoking as villains, Hartz IV recipients as unshaven parasites of the welfare state, immigrants as a threat to our jobs, people of other faiths as terrorists, and people for Write to die as a human killer. And all the people of this country anyway, potential terrorists and criminals, all are under suspicion, because otherwise we would no retention, no biometric passports need.
We are more than 80 million people in this country, we can decide how we shape our lives, what we do in our spare time. We can live together and develop values and standards - for this we do not need unrealistic politicians from the federal and provincial assemblies, whose only quality rumschwafeln and sometimes seems to creep his ass.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Why Is There No Sound With My Hd Dvd Player
... and free also means free, so no shipping costs. As I have written here have always known that I prefer printed snapshots as a durable result of successful photography towards the digital storage media, it is easy for me to promote the current action of extra film.

By clicking on the logo to review.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Champiro Tires California
After Barak Obama during a visit of two presidents from Pakistan and Afghanistan again mentioned that the U.S. will forget 9 / 11 is never clear, he is further behind the lie about the events on 11 September 2001.
The top bloggers Freeman has to return the following posted on the WWW, with respect and recognition, but with the requirement that wants to bring as many people note, I publish this article also read:
two dedicated people from California, the the Citizen Investigation Team (CIT) are mentioned, not with the recent intelligence from the media, but also the 9 / 11 Truth, about the Pentagon strike, and have satisfied themselves go on their way to Washington, there to do your own research.
you have the whole area grazed and witnesses of the 11th September sought. Craig Ranke and Marquis So people have asked what the aircraft which allegedly have seen slammed into the Pentagon with his own eyes. They are pushed to an astonishing match statements, which contradict the official end completely. They asked the witnesses what they saw when they saw it and from where they saw it.
your research they publish on its Web site "(loosely translated the Pentagon fraud).
13 interviewed witnesses testified that they had seen a plane fly over the north of the Citgo gas station, not far south as the official story tells it. Why is this important? Because the actual route which the alleged Flight 77 into the Pentagon took entscheident is absolute. If the Machine from a different direction, according to witnesses came, then there is not the whole story of the U.S. government. The CIT
have any witnesses, the route that they believe the aircraft has taken to register on a map. It's amazing, all 13 people have drawn nearly the same approach path, which is quite different from the official way.
As we see in the picture below, run the yellow lines of the witnesses almost equal to each other north past the Citgo gas station. The black straight line but will have taken flight 77 south, according to U.S. authorities. A glaring difference. If the statements of 13 witnesses of this up, then that speaks very much against the official version of the Pentagon attack.

say if the machine is flown north of Citgo as the witnesses, then the machine may not have caused the damage of the officially claimed, for example, they would have the light poles knocked over.
The evidence that CIT has collected is credible for the following reasons: Three of the witnesses are police officers who were on duty that day. These are guards of the Pentagon. Most of the others are government officials who have worked on that day. The workplace and the working of these individuals was reviewed.
is important, police are trained to observations of events To register and play very well. You're very sure what they have seen. Sergeant William Lagasse clock was at 9:37 in the morning of the 11th September 2001 in the process to fill up his police car at the Citgo gas station, as the jet flew past him. He said he is 100 percent sure, the aircraft flew north past the gas station, and he said, "I'll bet my life on it."
All other witnesses were interviewed completely separated from each other and say the same of it was north. Each statement was videotaped and can be seen on the website. One can therefore observe the people in her voice, her facial expressions and body language carefully and draw his own conclusions. For me, they look very credible and convincing. have made
After it thousands of hours of hair-specific investigation and analysis of the statements, Ranke and Marquis have come to the conclusion that the aircraft which does not have the witnesses saw hit the Pentagon, but away flew over the building, while an explosion with a large ball of fire took place, with subsequent ascent of the smoke that covered the receding machine. Most
my witness, there was a connection between the machine and they saw the explosion, it is called in the Pentagon is pure. But this is not possible, as I'll explain. There should be only for all observers in Look plane ... Explosion ... So it is pure crack.
This relationship is psychologically explicable, because an hour, you previously seen in x-fold repetition of the impact into the south tower of the WTC in Manhattan on television and programmed by these were to be interpreted thus. Most witnesses were aware America was under attack and so it was hard to believe of course, the fireball was caused by the impact of the machine, and not by a previously-placed bomb or whatever, exactly in sync with the crossing began.
There is evidence to prove this crime was committed, and this is even officially. That is, data which is a United States Agency released, has confirmed the 13 witness statements and their version of the flight route, confirmed the flyover, and totally contradicts what the U.S. government as claimed and the accident rate. So you can refute with official figures, the official version.
This is very amazing. Even more amazing is that journalists are not the mainstream media jumped on it at this contradiction, and thus finally put questions. This has to do with speculation and conspiracy nothing. If two official statements are contrary to each other, then something is not huge. Then the story stinks. Just not interested in this, it is not one curious journalist who takes the facts as presented and reported or carries out the inconsistencies. It is a sensation, and cries for a new investigation.
eigenlich the press would make this research work, the place to leave it to the two Wahrheitsssuchern. But we can wait in vain. The role of the media is not the true course of events out, but to do everything to suppress the truth and get the lie of the U.S. government maintains. We
I said in my article: "obstacle official route makes it impossible in the Pentagon" have described, was a 50-meter antenna exactly in the way of the official itinerary. Therefore, for this reason the story never agree. Flight 77 crashed, and would be in there at all not come to the Pentagon. And when they first had to fly over the antenna, then it was too high and could not at ground level into the Pentagon.
But have the best evidence of the falsehood in the article I pointed out "the serial numbers of the 9 / 11 Black boxes still secret."
were allegedly two black boxes on 11 September found the machines involved. One of these will be of Flight 77. The U.S. aviation authority has been forced by an application according to the Freedom of Information Act to release the data from the flight data recorder. These data are recorded by experts, pilots in a flight simulator and nachgeflogen of course. It was found to be out the following:
"The amazing thing is that the route according to the data recorder is totally different from the official declaration of the U.S. government. The machine is supposed to air his 77 is not the way to the Pentagon, flown, we are told, and can therefore have not knocked over the street lamps, but came from a different direction. "
" We see how well this inexperienced pilot, has never had a 757 in hand, masters the maneuvers, with a speed of 550 km, he turns a 330 degree turn in the descent. Shortly before the Pentagon the Boeing 800 km on it even. To note is the altitude at the end, 60 meters above ground, which is much too high for the lanterns and the Pentagon to meet with a height of 20 meters. It must have flown over it "
Conclusion. Not just say from 13 witnesses, the machine is heading for the north of the Citgo gas station Pentagon flew a whole other route, the data received from the black box even these statements, and they confirm also that the machine was much too high, never in the Pentagon crash was pure, but flew over it. The explosion came from a bomb or another Flugerät what happened at the same time. Each observer had to assume these two things are related, while the machine disappeared behind the smoke cloud. Also was on the official route, a 50-meter antenna in the path.
will now ask some of you, where is the back and landed where? That we can not know, but you looks at this photo. A few miles behind the Pentagon is located in the Ronald Reagan airport, the runway is almost exactly in the direction of flight. The machine could be there immediately went down and was not therefore seen as they flew away, and then she was on the radar to locate any more. But this is speculation and not much more.

It does so not matter what happened, where the flight originates Scheiber data, etc. The important thing is the testimony of the black box and the data were released, and as a hindrance to the approach blocked, it has been proved the official story is wrong, is full of contradictions, can not possibly have happened as we are told, and that is why a new investigation into her.
It is not the role of the 9 / 11 Truth prove to what took place that day, we do not, we can only point out any inconsistencies. The government must prove its version, only that they do not, but we are to believe her story and swallow. prove
In a constitutional state does not have the defendant's innocence, the prosecutor in this case, the U.S. government must prove the guilt of the suspected perpetrator. They do not, but they just say so how we tell it was there and that's it, and each of the doubts and even has evidence is a spinner.
The official end of the attack on the Pentagon is refuted, there is something very different happened.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Best Sacred Beast Deck 2010
We know the fleet woman Zechner even from days to the ORF, which she in an interview a few months ago even "not recognize" and that even "trusts, if you like weiterwurschtelt as before, that it one day not will give more ".
She speaks of people who bow their heads in the ORF to knuckle under to and from an incorrect finding new heads: "Man does not seek the best minds, but the compliant This is deadly, and Genant."
With full knapsack speak well and if one is not exactly as ORF program director at the time brilliantly by the state radio came off. 300 000 Graz, she deserves. For what? She leads the department since 2004 Musical Ronacher and the Raimund Theater. Well, now some will think that fits, right?
They are approximately 30,000 euros as the mayor of Vienna who, as insiders know, has no working under 11 hours and his schedule sometimes settles after 22 clock. At this late hour every now in secluded guest house atmosphere, but he has been in use for Vienna and his Social Democratic Party.
Insider spread the rumor Zechner woman enters her office the other hand, rarely before 10 Clock. At noon it's up to 2 hours "not available", some saw the Music alfan allegedly then in various specialties huts on Naschmarkt or the new Italian restaurant around the corner of the left Vienna line. A Trat Scherl there, a business Happerl there. By 14 clock then there's another 2 to 3 hours office use, from 17 clock is Mrs. Zechner "no longer in the house," as the telephone telling manner.
But wait! Premier can sometimes occur on important, so rumor has it that Dr. is present again, but how often do you start these kinds of events if there are long-term success as Elisabeth, or recently Rudolf? 2 to 3 times per year - maximum.
In a criminal case a newspaper would write here: For Ms. Zech is the presumption of innocence ... In other words, maybe that's true so none of it, even if such rumors persistently make the rounds. While it is reported
everywhere on part-time work, job reductions and cost savings, Mrs. Zechner collects full - for a part time job - from.
A great job ...
Monday, May 4, 2009
Conestogo Wood Stoves
in their own right: Beautiful success for the pirate's blog on is the blog and listed and rated by Feed abomässig reached.
Thanks to Technorati
M Jak Milosc On Line Chomikuj
From 2012 to the become mandatory in the EU, to only be allowed to buy energy saving bulbs. This will supposedly 5 million tonnes of CO2 could be saved. What the politicians and environmentalists tell us not, however, this change is directed, on balance, more harm than good, because include lamps mercury, and so is the environment in China, where most of the lamps are produced, but also with us in use and subsequent disposal heavily burdened by a bad poison.
but we want to leave aside the fact that the CO2 from man not responsible for global warming and this action is based on a gigantic lie and brainwashing, mercury is a toxic heavy metal that even at room temperature evaporates and the vapors are inhaled highly toxic.
According to a press release of 15 January 2009 the Ministry of Environment decided in Sweden, the use of mercury ban in general. The ban means that the use of amalgam in dental fillings is set and that mercury-containing products may no longer be marketed in Sweden. On the other hand, include bringing alleged fluorescent lamps or "energy saving light bulbs' mercury as ignition function for the gas to glow.
How does this conflict with the principles of environmental protection together?
mercury is considered by all health authorities, the World Health risk recognized. If it accumulates in the body, it damages the nervous system, lungs and kidneys. Especially babies in the womb during pregnancy are vulnerable to this poison.
The risk of mercury poisoning is to get through energy-saving lamps illustrated by the fact that say the British authorities when bursts such a lamp in the household, then you should use the space at least ventilate for 15 minutes because of the risk of inhalation of the resulting mercury vapor.
energy saving lamps have a limited life. You eventually need to be disposed of. If there is only this type of lamp and millions returned by consumers for disposal will be a huge problem on our hands. What happens to the mercury and how to avoid injury to the workers and the environment in the disassembly and separation of materials? This is expensive if you do it right, and the process will consume much energy.
Where as the gain in energy balance?
And who dispose of used lamps not working properly, but just throw in the garbage or throw in the landscape, causing even more pollution from the escaping mercury. As if the Mediterranean countries and the new EU member states in the east to keep proper disposal. One must only look to Naples as the garbage piles up there in the streets. It is ridiculous to believe, but are selling their old energy-saving light bulbs a good boy.
The whole program has been designed not thought through and by idiots, fanatics of typical EU bureaucrats and planetary saviors who can not count to two, who see the big picture not to sell it but as an important environmental protection measure and force us to this nonsense.
But the problems already start in the production. Many workers in China have been poisoned by mercury, because the increase in demand by the EU's policy to make it the duty of the reopening of abandoned mercury mines has led, the health of the workers and the Environmentally ruined there.
two-thirds of all energy saving lamps for the EU are produced in China. The health authorities have established the presence of an alarming increase of mercury poisoning caused by an industry that sells itself as an environmentally friendly with their lamps, but uses a highly toxic poison in large quantities and placed in the environment.
The production of energy saving lamps, the workers must handle mercury either in liquid or solid form, because something like this be used in each lamp needs. Documents of the Chinese Ministry of Health show that the mercury poisoning has increased in the lamp factories.
"Pregnant women and mothers breastfed their babies not allowed to work in departments where mercury is present, "prescribes the Public Health Act.
In southern China where the energy-saving light bulbs are manufactured for the Western consumer, there are big factories that include global corporations, to backyard farms with few employees, so a big difference to health and safety standards.
tests on hundreds of workers have shown unsafe levels of mercury in the body and many need medical treatment, according to interviews conducted with physicians and local health authorities in Foshan and Guangzhou. Many of the workers have high levels of mercury in their urine, but are afraid to do so little.
"In tests measured the mercury content in my blood and urine is too high, but I was not sent to the hospital because my boss said I was strong and my immune system would eliminate the poison by itself," said a young worker.
"Two of my friends were admitted to the hospital for two months," she added.
"If they ask me to work in the mercury department, I refuse, no matter how much they pay me for it," said another young workers.
In some factories in Foshan, such as the Nanhai Feiyang Lamp factory, were diagnosed from 72 workers 68 with severe poisoning.
But the problems go much further. The workers in the mines where mercury is mined are much worse off. Until recently, the states in the Middle Ages. The miners have hit the boulders by hand from the rock around the vermilion or Zinnabarit as well as means to win the primary source of mercury. The workers have completely unprotected in the dust and fumes inhaled.
and the surrounding farming is also damaged. An affected farmer said: "Thousands of miners came to our country, dug and used chemicals to clean the ore. Our water buffalo were tired of drinking the water and our harvest was gray. Our people were ill and did not live very long. All that can be cut down. "
The government has closed in recent years, the mercury mines, because the rivers poisoned, polluted the land and the people were sick. But with the new demand for mercury for the energy saving lamps, due to the laws of the EU, the mines reopened, and the miners are coming back.
in Tongren, a town where mercury is produced for generations, "said an old worker where the locals have toiled day and night to recover the liquid metal from the bottom of the days.
"I have 40 years working in a mine, and now my body is totally sick and my lungs are destroyed," he said.
Whatever suffering and destruction, the mass conversion to energy-saving lamps in China caused by Europe, and the risk of poisoning in the home with the application, can only be described as a crime. Environmentalists and the behavior of the EU dictators are forcing us to change, which means a Verschlimmbesserung highest level, at the expense of the health of Chinese workers and even our own.
And what they were intended to save energy or electricity, is viewed holistically as a lie, because of the larger Energy consumption and demand for manufacturing, disposal and because the lamps, thanks to globalization and exploitation of cheap labor have to be transported across even the whole world.
also save these lamps only in continuous operation compared to incandescent bulbs, such as at an outside lighting. If they are switched off and on how things go in practice, they break too fast, that does not fit lamps. Or should we let it burn in the home for 24 hours, the light, so the savings will be effective? They have not all.
Text: Copyright by Freeman
Friday, May 1, 2009
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Pearl offers a Promotions a free 2GB SD card Verbatim, it is suitable for MP3 players, media players, camcorders, digital picture frames, action-Cams, navigation devices and PDAs.
And of course, digital cameras, so I mention it here in the blog ;-)
The reading speed of the card is approximately at 7 MB / sec., The write speed. 5 MB / sec. Who a USB adapter for 4.90 EUR to acquire, has very inexpensive USB memory stick.
owners of cameras with a Compact Flash memory cards can also benefit from the offer if they decide on a CF-SD adapter. More on this on my other article .
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who has a digital camera with compact flash memory cards, white, at least since the need to buy memory cards to the disadvantage of higher market prices to such an SD card.
seems Hence the CF-SD adapter of Pearl, which also supports SDHC and MMC and offered for 19.90 EUR is to be a viable alternative. Here, the data transfer rate depending on memory card.
Since I myself am sufficiently stocked with CF cards, I am a tester out of it. All the more interested I am, what others think about this quote. The best of course, when users log on to speak of such an adapter ...
Fits & is currently on it as a free bargain 2GB SD Card from Verbatim, also at Pearl. More on this in a second review . read
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A tip for all who the article, but do not want to wait for my test and want to test yourself, what the software can: In the software in different versions be downloaded.
is true limited functionality - but nevertheless it should be possible to form an opinion on this "noise stopper.
I myself have installed the version for Photoshop and am now looking in the archive according to critical photographic material that is suitable for a test ...
Thursday, April 30, 2009
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is not always the image noise in digital photography as a creative means. Or consider even more realistic actually quite rare. Often caused the situation when shooting compromises that show themselves as a result of noise. Mostly it's the lighting conditions on the ground who then intentionally with a high ISO on the camera or be compensated automatically. The result: Photos with strong noise.
Noise Ninja in the current version 2.2 of PictureCode LLC promises exactly this situation. In addition to the standalone version has the program or as plug-ins for Apple Aperture and Adobe potoshop. In this case, the prices of 45 (no batch function) to $ 80 (complete package).
recommends as a "file savior" especially for small compact cameras, the software in any case - that have shown reviews from the U.S.. Whether it is noticeably better, however, when the board means for example of Photoshop that I want to test themselves soon. Of course, the test result will be here in the blog again. to announce free quote: There
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
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Baxter and Roche are the cheaters of the swine flu hysteria in the U.S., Europe and elsewhere in the world.
Listening to in medical circles around, then you can hear at least any of them.
"headlines, killer virus in the death 'and the like are plenty of covered
De biggest nonsense is the action that a doctor at the airport in Schwechat now in the plane and must innerhlab to find ten minutes to see if the flu, more pig flu, has said any reasonable doctor, that does not, he can find maybe a fever or cough, runny nose but find whether it is possible that the passenger swine flu has is more than questionable.
Prof. Dr. M (the Vienna General Hospital, the full name is the blogger known and this wish will also be announced via email) said: A completely coated hysteria, idiocy! The hype surrounding the swine flu is identical with that of the bird flu, at that time the woman Gesundheitsminster somehow pulled out of the affair, and now the stock prices from Baxter and Roche just need a kick.
controlled is the solution for this company and the experts oracles with their Zahlenbesipielen good, what the media pop readily to the front pages "
Rolf Finkbeiner in Germany, has written to the following:
H1N1 Starts Now the planned pandemic
say? you have H5N1 bird flu which keyword
Tamiflu -? the antidote - is mass in the cellars of the health authorities and pharmacies in many western countries for the Chen case of a pandemic - it has not been used.
But now enters H1N1, the so-called swine flu, the Me-dien-floor. Immediately place the U.S. health authorities already out that Tamiflu can also help by chance against swine flu.
starts now by several experts have long to-be discontinued, planned pandemic?
Look at the headlines once from 25.04.2009 to:
the nightly news: WHO warns of global epidemic which broke out in Mexico and the U.S. swine flu might lead to the World Health Organisation (WHO) cause a worldwide epidemic. The new agents ha-be the "potential for a pandemic," WHO Director-General Margaret Chan said secretary in Geneva after her return from the U.S..
The news ticker: WHO calls for swine flu international health emergency from New York (dts) - The World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared because of the so-called "swine flu" an international health emergency. Now, internationally coordinated action would be taken to prevent further spread. Even earlier, a spokeswoman said that the swine flu has the potential for a pandemic. Besides, there are 1000 diseases in Mexico including at least 200 suspected cases at a school in New York and now two confirmed cases in the U.S. state of Kansas. At least 60 people are reportedly in Mexico in the swine-flu died.
The Guardian: Worldwide there is fear of the great influenza in Mexico ruled the fear, since the WHO has confirmed that there so far 62 people have died from the new dangerous swine flu. Many people do not dare leave the house - when the virus reached Germany? The "bird flu experts' long fueled the fear that at some point" mutation "that - not only could spread virus from animals to humans, but also from human to human - never isolated. That would be the birth of a pandemic.
It is this case is now in the swine flu have happened.
given the Tagesspiegel: is the case of swine flu, it is the H1N1 virus variant. The patients in the U.S. but had no contact with pigs. The experts therefore assume that the Vi-rus from person to person transfers. Bird flu was still been so that people contracted the disease in Asia because of its proximity to animals, but human to human transmission occurred as not so good. How good that exists against this type of "animal-flu" a seemingly perfect solution to medication.
The Times again:
The U.S. CDC is to first test the assumption that the elements Grippemedika-Tamiflu and Relenza could help with early administration. Many German Tamiflu have in the drawer. Tamiflu maker Roche said it could be supplied within a very short time, large quantities. Mexican Health Minister Jose Angel Cordova explained that it was enough Tamiflu for a milli-on people present - one-twentieth of the population of the capital. Government of Mexico therefore recommended that people should stay home on weekends, not shake hands and do not kiss on the cheek in greeting.
are interesting to the terrible symptoms, according to German Shaft: The new virus type H1N1 has infected people in the typical flu symptoms such as runny nose, cough, high Fever and sore throat caused. Also had developed pneumonia after infection.
So if you know someone who has coughed or just enjoy, then look quickly into the distance. Or think about it for what was said by Dr. Stefan Lanka in an interview on Vo-gelgrippe: Where do you consider the risk or disaster? Dr. Lanka: We can wean us to use our intelligence. This is the actually the danger or disaster. The politics and the media take out al-les fool us ... And that is precisely the problem, the usual problem is that even the thought, the power of our minds.
Looking at the Coincidences, it's gathered here, you have to sit up as an enlightened man actual-diately:
After a few dozen deaths that are untestable claims only through the media, is spoken of a possible worldwide pandemic.
2 The virus was indeed never seen or isolated, but researchers still know that it must be mutated. And although it is not only between animals and from animal to human can be transmitted between, but it has made the decisive step and can now be spread from human to human pandemic.
3 The media are already talking for years of a pandemic comes, definitely. The ques-tion was not "if", but only "When". What is pandemic, but was not predicted.
4 store Coincidentally, for several months by the 500,000 plastic coffins, which would have a much-needed light soon in Georgia.
5 And the best chance, that is already mass-existing and overlapping drugs such as Tamiflu are said to help against the disease, although they were made for one another "in-fection."
What comes next? the virus is spreading like an epidemic? If thousands or even millions of people be brought in? Are also masses of people die? What they will die from the side effects of Tamiflu or officially in the swine flu?
Reading the package insert of Tamiflu, he sounds like a total innocent. But died a few years ago in Japan, several children after taking the drug.
Most interesting in this context is an eye-witness account of the "English flu" of the years 1918-1920: I was a direct observer of the flu epidemic of 1918 all doctors and people who lived at the time of the epidemic of English flu in 1918, SA-gene that it was the worst disease the world has ever had. Strong men, hale and hearty one day would be the next dead. The disease had the characteristics of the black death, diphtheria, typhoid, pneumonia, smallpox, paralysis has been added and all the people were with (at?) diseases directly after 1 World War II have been vaccinated. Virtually the total population was "seeded" with a dozen or more diseases - or toxic serums had been injected. When all those doctor-made diseases started breaking out in a train, it was tragic. The pandemic has been dragged for two years, kept alive with the addition of toxic drugs, carried out by the doctors who tried to suppress the symptoms. As far as I could find, the flu hit only vaccinated. Those who had the shots (protective vaccination) rejected escaped the flu. My family had refused all the vaccinations so we remained well all the time. We knew from the health education cause of Graham, of track, from Tilden and others, that people can not contaminate the body with poisons without disease. was
When the flu was at its peak, all the data and the schools, shops - even the hospital was closed, even the doctors and nurses had been vaccinated, and the were down with the flu. No one was on the streets. It was like a Geis terstadt. We [who had taken no vaccines] seemed to be the only family that did not get the flu, so my parents went from house to house to take care of the sick, as it was impossible, to fetch a doctor. If it were possible for germs, bacteria, virus, or bacilli cause disease, they would have had much opportunity to attack my parents, as they spent many hours a day in the sick rooms. But they did not get the flu and they took no germs home to attack us children and all cause. None of our family had the flu - not a sniff - and it was in the winter with deep snow on the ground. So if you - it should really come to "the pandemic" - will be treated with medication, should not only gain a comprehensive picture of the situation, but who make too concerned about the many "coincidences".
The latest development also receives a further connotation: in the meantime already the military in Mexico is used. And see what options are quickly created and used according to Spiegel from 26.04.2009: The public life in Mexico City is governed by drastic measures which the government wants to get the virus under control. Soldiers look at train stations to patients. President Felipe Calderon issued a decree authorizing the health authorities to isolate flu patients and to inspect their homes. Apartment searches for flu patients? What is the point? If you want to - arrest about viruses - even non-existent? Just do not believe that "yes, Mexico is only" in a constitutional state like Germany is not so easy feasible. So? What do you think would like to go fast that when alleged imminent danger in delay?
What is currently planned in the U.S. shows that the situation is regarded seriously. For this, the day looking at 26.04.2009: After the U.S. confirmed 20 cases of swine flu, has the U.S. government declared an alert health-NEN. The authorities are preparing for a rapid increase in infection levels. At the same time they seek to spread any unrest. [...] This simplifies, for example, the U.S. government access to flu tests and medication-ten. Twelve million units of the drug "Tamiflu" were released in order to distribute these medicines if needed as quickly as possible. [...] Expect Clearly the authorities in the U.S. with a rapid increase in the number of cases.
And the impact on the world economy could have a pandemic? LifeGem this on 26/04/2009: It sounds kind of absurd, but experts are sounding the alarm: Of all the mutated swine influenza virus H1N1 could strengthen the already acute economic crisis - solid by the possible impending trade restrictions and massive job loss threatens economic collapse. mongering? Utopia? Under no circumstances, experts un-long demonstration. The harsh conclusion for Germany: In the case of an influenza pandemic is the order processing in 88 percent of companies risk. If a pandemic is not a practical tool to implement multiple objectives simultaneously? Tion authorizing law, mass drug treatment, indirect curfews, distraction from the real causes of the economic collapse and take appropriate counter-measures - if you think there's money to the systemic crisis or his impending unemployment? In the shadow of a pandemic is virtually use anything that could supposedly save lives or the economy. Is this all just to far-fetched conspiracy thinking, or is this the new 11th September? Oops, you have just about coughing?
About the author: Rolf Finkbeiner is an independent IT service provider in the southern Rhineland-Palatinate. Privately, he runs the blog
Contact options:
Mahabhringraj Oil Results
The Causa Honsik was interesting to follow, as the man sits in the 90s, from 1.5 years for Unconditional penalty to Spain, where instead of remaining silent and calm, he produced lively more dubious Zeitschriftchen showing clearly what he thinks.
which case the question is legitimate: "Think of all?"
He is the Holocaust in question discussed with the judge, whether the SS was a heroic force roaring around, and commits itself to a life expectancy of 9 years after the trial started in April 09
short, where does the man's self-confidence and the audacity, the chutzpah to to work as a pioneer of a neo-Nazi movement.
Dumber Honsik behaves as an unlikely, if he was re-operation for load sets, the lawyer must indeed be a right of stupid member of his profession when he is in the log also recorded as a Holocaust denier.
Honsik and his law (like so well to the genre) assistance can not be surpassed in stupidity.
now holds the old neo-Nazi from 5 years and that he must have enough in his own stupidity back.
No one denies that today, more cruel Venrichtungmaschinerie of the Nazi regime until 1945. Hardly anyone knows not modest about the criminal role of the SS within Nazideutschalnds also if SS elite units in front delicate missions as an elite force (eg: SS Panzer Divisions) had to serve.
The SS were thus both combat units as well as the guards at the concentration camp. Because of their participation in the Holocaust and numerous war crimes, it was in 1946 by the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg declared a criminal organization.
If Honsik is shod historically why he does not then shut up? The five years
charge him, and in fact would be 9 still not enough.
first because of the stupidity
second because of the law that re-operation is to be punished
The phenomenon of Rechtslastigkeit in Austria but are not stupid and Honsik Kuessel and Stepan's - the real phenomena come from the legal, political and official corner.
about Strache, a politician, home and country is holding up, which incited the EU scourges (which does HP also Martin) announces that migrants income and the fight against Islamic vehemnt "Untriebe.
Understanding the broad-minded citizen a little easier.
Strache could be a danger, Earl (the T-shirt MPs) also - Honsik other hand, is a stupid "Lercherlschaaß"
Thursday, April 16, 2009
How Early Should You Tan Before A Trip
Now, this is now the last thing we need now Austrians, a U.S. Nobel laureates, the us predicts a Horrorszeniario - Austria was soon bankrupt. Schreckgespesnter he paints, he does panic and he confused the Austrians front of the whole Obama family 'U.S. press.
Krugman's father was an insurance manager, his grandfather, a Jewish immigrant from Belarus. And here lies the reason for the agitation against Austria shcon, Krugman has obviously open to the Austrians a score to settle, pouring off the face of high risk Ostkredite of domestic banks also fuel the fire.
The daily Austria, auflagenheischend, prints the weak sense, nor quote from print media and other well-behaved. Austria threatens to bankrupt the country:
He hopes that the International Monetary Fund provides sufficient cushion for us, so it's not quite as nasty. Thank you Mr. Krugman!
the Nobel Prize in Economics 2008, he received particular for his "analysis of trade patterns and locations of economic activity" and he published with the help of U.S. funds (mainly by investors from the Jewish business community in the USA) 2008 four printing units on world economic crisis.
manner in keeping with the new Sunny Boys Obama his oracle: The United States and Europe are right is wrong. Only government spending can save the economy, he says - and he is one who talks about five digit dollar salaries to the best universities in the united States and holds all over the world. He earned his money to bring his view of the financial world to the people. Has he forgotten that the crisis started with the real estate bubbles in the U.S., that his "brother" Bernanke good the U.S. has manipulated interest rates in the past 24 months so blatant that the dollar could stay afloat
draw Horroszenarien Austria darzustelllen as bankrupt and our developing country threatened to make money. Granted there are some bankers (Meinl, Flöttl, Elsner and Co., and has not prosecuted or directors of the First People's Bank) and managers (Ötsch, Grasser = KHG) have gambled strong - with our money.
But for a total bankruptcy that's not enough, and although the banks called in Austria to the east already as "monetary Stalingrad" - nothing will come back from the loan funds. Today the Austrian vulture flies 90 basis points lower than the German vultures. But the U.S. and Germany are not much better off than Austria, and the truth is that collapse under when we go before or D, USA, Spain, Italy and Great Britain.
Mr. Krugman has at any rate, broad voice heard and all are shocked.
And when he cited the IMF to help it do so in Austria Diminique Strauss Kahn, the managing director the IMF, and where does the man whose acronym is DSK? Dominique Strauss-Kahn is from a Jewish-Moroccan family.
This includes the circle - the banking system and the IMF prepared to keep the allegedly padding for Austria is dominated by Jewish financial lobby. Krugman, DSK and all the leading makers do Austria's bankruptcy for the help by the IMF, we would be in the total dependence of the U.S. financial lobby, and as good is the so-protecting EU membership not because federal Angie and Franzosenbub Nicolas behaved after Obama Whistle Dance.
Sauber hingekriegt Mr. Krugman.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Is Ensure Good To Drink
All the major indexes have laid an impressive rally since 09.03.2009:
- DAX: +25%
- TecDAX: +33%
- Dow-Jones: +25%
- Nasdaq: +28%
My basic ideas of pyramid problem still applies. An update this pyramid at the current time it clearly shows a further aggravation, as an improvement. It is still not solved a fundamental problem addressed fundamentally. On the contrary, the credit bubble is fueled by credit. The stock market rally is for me a hope to rally, which will fail under current state. Nevertheless, one should not unnecessarily close your eyes, but play this bear market rallies. 25% in 4 weeks have been an incredible and almost historical price performance. In equity markets, it was thus, as so often, to moods and aspirations, and not a reflection of past economic development. The crucial question is thus whether a real economic turnaround now is already possible.
"The monthly report from Friday for March 2009 on the U.S. Federal Budget (Monthly Treasury Statement), is a downright exploding budget deficit.
- spending shot in the first 6 months of the fiscal year 2009 +33.4% in the amount to 1.946632 trillion ,
- while the tax revenues -32.18% to 0.989834 trillion dollar slumped, according to 1.45968 trillion dollars in the first 6 months of fiscal year 2008!
- The corporate tax revenue burst of 129.5 billion dollars in the first 6 months of 2008 to only 56.2 billion U.S. dollars in the first half of fiscal year 2009 away. This raises a particularly bleak picture of the economic situation in the U.S..
- But the revenue from income tax broke off an impressive 15%, of 503.5 billion U.S. dollars in the previous year to 429.7 billion U.S. dollars! The figures show so impressive that the U.S. unemployment figures are hopelessly fined and has nothing to do with reality have. An income tax break away from -15% in 6 months and a rise in unemployment by about 3% over the same period fit for me do not mix.
- The explicit general government (cash today) public debt marked by 09/04/2009 with huge 11.169 trillion a new Record! A brutal increase in the last 6 months of 1.1459 trillion dollars! In 1975, the explicit public debt stood at 533 billion dollars, an exponential function with the U.S. national debt at its best.
- According to official data from the U.S. Federal Reserve (FED) 4 Quarter of 2008, the total debt of state (explicit), households, businesses including the financial sector in the United States enormous 52.5927 trillion dollars, or 370.4% of gross domestic product.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Can You Shrink Dickies
After I have already presented Bargains of the free photo canvas it on (3.49 €, as always, to cover the shipping costs here): Otto a photo book offers for free to, for otherwise some 19 - € would be due.
Before you can take advantage of the offer, but the download the image ordering software (120 MB) is announced . To make it getting easier, I link the same to the relevant pages. The software, and the service behind the offer by the way is the ORWO Net GmbH - a company with which I mentioned in the past positive experiences have made.
The book contains 24 pages and has the dimensions of 20.5 x 20 cm. The software wizard, this is to be selected to continue the "hardcover".
The software will be "explored" only a little before one can go to work creatively. For the standard specifications seem just a little boring. Therefore, my advice: read the register tab for the options - here to hide a multitude of design possibilities. Unfortunately, this software
shows - like many similar programs too - a big drawback: Already selected photos I wish it at the source marked. This is not the case and we must be careful, not to place a photo by mistake several times.
The code for the free offer is: Zerz-xwym-CDMI-3jzy!
Bottom Line: For just 3.50 euros, the offer best suited to perpetuate sleeping on the hard drive digital snapshots on paper or the first time to explore the possibilities of an individual photo book. For small money you can not do anything wrong ...
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Review Of Quest Tents
posterXXL offers a current and temporary action is precisely the possibility of a photo-canvas in the size 20 x 30 cm to order free of charge.
In leads directly to that offer. I mean, look quick a good photo on the hard disk and use this opportunity ...
Monday, April 6, 2009
Og Mudbones Wikipedia
[ Trigami display ]
Now: Spring cleaning for all computers, cameras and mobile phones
If the photo storage on the hard disk is getting more crowded, the phone is slower and filled the camera b is to the edge, then it's time for a proper spring clean through the stored Digital photos. But who likes to erase his favorite photos from the last trip or vacation in the mountains? No one! Why is the motto: Developing and enjoy instead of photos soluble Chen or gather dust on your hard drive can.
So that the "cleaning" really fun, has reduced the photo-shipping company ExtraFilm as spring action, the prices for prints, enlargements and posters. Finally, the most beautiful images still best on high quality photo paper. Who wants to tackle the big clean-up action can be happy about a price cut of up to 65%. Thus, a photo print size 9 cm costs only 0.06 € and a Enlargement to 20 cm instead of 0.79 € 2.29 €. For the best experience in XXL, any photography enthusiast, his personal posters, size 50x75 cm already purchased for 14,99 €.
"We hereby serve the demand of customers," said René Baumann, store manager of extra film. "Digital photos should be developed with consumers, especially in the period spring to summer theme. This is also the volume of demand in the Internet search engines, "said Baumann. In addition to the attractive prices of the spring cleaning at extra film is absolutely simple: The selected images are uploaded with a few clicks under . Photo prints can of course be developed not only in standard formats, but the customer can select up to 30 cm enlargements and poster in XXL format. The menu system is very easy and completed the order in a few minutes. With simple editing functions, such as the red-eye removal, images can be edited at will. In addition, ensure the automatic image enhancement an image quality as the professional. All prints are then printed on high quality Fuji Photo Paper. Prints can be ordered with white frame without charge upon request.
Who wants to make more of his paintings displayed on the website of ExtraFilm lot Ideas: photo gifts with your own pictures and text, photo collages for the best pictures at a glance, photo canvases for the perfect interior and much more. With the new free order software designers to eight different photo books and photo-designed agenda. This is how clean this much fun.
About Extra Film:
The extra film AG since 1995 has been active in the market within a few years and become one of the most active in mail order photo labs. As a subsidiary of en Spector Photo Group, extra film as a successful national brand has a strong international background. extra film features on the website to an online digital photo developing service. Digital photos can be ordered not only as simple prints on photo paper, but for example as a personalized photo greeting cards, photo calendars and photo gifts, photo canvas or as a photo book or are organized in free online photo albums. For the design of personal photo albums are the free-order software DESIGNER available for download. The order can then be made by post on home-burned CDs / DVDs, or via Web upload.
How Much Does An Average Daiquri Shop Gross
A few days ago I came across by chance in a press release a "revolutionary new printing technique in imaging Solutions to ensure that photo books in a previously unknown quality. In contrast to the electrostatic pressure - it is said - you used in Imaging Solutions photo paper for photo books. This could be achieved this high level of quality.
Now it's not that I doubt these statements. But the post brought me to the idea of blogging my own experiences with print products or vendors in the future here. Some tests I've done that here treated Ergenbisse will soon be read. Gladly I can also tell readers their personal experience, I will also be published, unless the comment function is used.