After Barak Obama during a visit of two presidents from Pakistan and Afghanistan again mentioned that the U.S. will forget 9 / 11 is never clear, he is further behind the lie about the events on 11 September 2001.
The top bloggers Freeman has to return the following posted on the WWW, with respect and recognition, but with the requirement that wants to bring as many people note, I publish this article also read:
two dedicated people from California, the the Citizen Investigation Team (CIT) are mentioned, not with the recent intelligence from the media, but also the 9 / 11 Truth, about the Pentagon strike, and have satisfied themselves go on their way to Washington, there to do your own research.
you have the whole area grazed and witnesses of the 11th September sought. Craig Ranke and Marquis So people have asked what the aircraft which allegedly have seen slammed into the Pentagon with his own eyes. They are pushed to an astonishing match statements, which contradict the official end completely. They asked the witnesses what they saw when they saw it and from where they saw it.
your research they publish on its Web site "(loosely translated the Pentagon fraud).
13 interviewed witnesses testified that they had seen a plane fly over the north of the Citgo gas station, not far south as the official story tells it. Why is this important? Because the actual route which the alleged Flight 77 into the Pentagon took entscheident is absolute. If the Machine from a different direction, according to witnesses came, then there is not the whole story of the U.S. government. The CIT
have any witnesses, the route that they believe the aircraft has taken to register on a map. It's amazing, all 13 people have drawn nearly the same approach path, which is quite different from the official way.
As we see in the picture below, run the yellow lines of the witnesses almost equal to each other north past the Citgo gas station. The black straight line but will have taken flight 77 south, according to U.S. authorities. A glaring difference. If the statements of 13 witnesses of this up, then that speaks very much against the official version of the Pentagon attack.

say if the machine is flown north of Citgo as the witnesses, then the machine may not have caused the damage of the officially claimed, for example, they would have the light poles knocked over.
The evidence that CIT has collected is credible for the following reasons: Three of the witnesses are police officers who were on duty that day. These are guards of the Pentagon. Most of the others are government officials who have worked on that day. The workplace and the working of these individuals was reviewed.
is important, police are trained to observations of events To register and play very well. You're very sure what they have seen. Sergeant William Lagasse clock was at 9:37 in the morning of the 11th September 2001 in the process to fill up his police car at the Citgo gas station, as the jet flew past him. He said he is 100 percent sure, the aircraft flew north past the gas station, and he said, "I'll bet my life on it."
All other witnesses were interviewed completely separated from each other and say the same of it was north. Each statement was videotaped and can be seen on the website. One can therefore observe the people in her voice, her facial expressions and body language carefully and draw his own conclusions. For me, they look very credible and convincing. have made
After it thousands of hours of hair-specific investigation and analysis of the statements, Ranke and Marquis have come to the conclusion that the aircraft which does not have the witnesses saw hit the Pentagon, but away flew over the building, while an explosion with a large ball of fire took place, with subsequent ascent of the smoke that covered the receding machine. Most
my witness, there was a connection between the machine and they saw the explosion, it is called in the Pentagon is pure. But this is not possible, as I'll explain. There should be only for all observers in Look plane ... Explosion ... So it is pure crack.
This relationship is psychologically explicable, because an hour, you previously seen in x-fold repetition of the impact into the south tower of the WTC in Manhattan on television and programmed by these were to be interpreted thus. Most witnesses were aware America was under attack and so it was hard to believe of course, the fireball was caused by the impact of the machine, and not by a previously-placed bomb or whatever, exactly in sync with the crossing began.
There is evidence to prove this crime was committed, and this is even officially. That is, data which is a United States Agency released, has confirmed the 13 witness statements and their version of the flight route, confirmed the flyover, and totally contradicts what the U.S. government as claimed and the accident rate. So you can refute with official figures, the official version.
This is very amazing. Even more amazing is that journalists are not the mainstream media jumped on it at this contradiction, and thus finally put questions. This has to do with speculation and conspiracy nothing. If two official statements are contrary to each other, then something is not huge. Then the story stinks. Just not interested in this, it is not one curious journalist who takes the facts as presented and reported or carries out the inconsistencies. It is a sensation, and cries for a new investigation.
eigenlich the press would make this research work, the place to leave it to the two Wahrheitsssuchern. But we can wait in vain. The role of the media is not the true course of events out, but to do everything to suppress the truth and get the lie of the U.S. government maintains. We
I said in my article: "obstacle official route makes it impossible in the Pentagon" have described, was a 50-meter antenna exactly in the way of the official itinerary. Therefore, for this reason the story never agree. Flight 77 crashed, and would be in there at all not come to the Pentagon. And when they first had to fly over the antenna, then it was too high and could not at ground level into the Pentagon.
But have the best evidence of the falsehood in the article I pointed out "the serial numbers of the 9 / 11 Black boxes still secret."
were allegedly two black boxes on 11 September found the machines involved. One of these will be of Flight 77. The U.S. aviation authority has been forced by an application according to the Freedom of Information Act to release the data from the flight data recorder. These data are recorded by experts, pilots in a flight simulator and nachgeflogen of course. It was found to be out the following:
"The amazing thing is that the route according to the data recorder is totally different from the official declaration of the U.S. government. The machine is supposed to air his 77 is not the way to the Pentagon, flown, we are told, and can therefore have not knocked over the street lamps, but came from a different direction. "
" We see how well this inexperienced pilot, has never had a 757 in hand, masters the maneuvers, with a speed of 550 km, he turns a 330 degree turn in the descent. Shortly before the Pentagon the Boeing 800 km on it even. To note is the altitude at the end, 60 meters above ground, which is much too high for the lanterns and the Pentagon to meet with a height of 20 meters. It must have flown over it "
Conclusion. Not just say from 13 witnesses, the machine is heading for the north of the Citgo gas station Pentagon flew a whole other route, the data received from the black box even these statements, and they confirm also that the machine was much too high, never in the Pentagon crash was pure, but flew over it. The explosion came from a bomb or another Flugerät what happened at the same time. Each observer had to assume these two things are related, while the machine disappeared behind the smoke cloud. Also was on the official route, a 50-meter antenna in the path.
will now ask some of you, where is the back and landed where? That we can not know, but you looks at this photo. A few miles behind the Pentagon is located in the Ronald Reagan airport, the runway is almost exactly in the direction of flight. The machine could be there immediately went down and was not therefore seen as they flew away, and then she was on the radar to locate any more. But this is speculation and not much more.

It does so not matter what happened, where the flight originates Scheiber data, etc. The important thing is the testimony of the black box and the data were released, and as a hindrance to the approach blocked, it has been proved the official story is wrong, is full of contradictions, can not possibly have happened as we are told, and that is why a new investigation into her.
It is not the role of the 9 / 11 Truth prove to what took place that day, we do not, we can only point out any inconsistencies. The government must prove its version, only that they do not, but we are to believe her story and swallow. prove
In a constitutional state does not have the defendant's innocence, the prosecutor in this case, the U.S. government must prove the guilt of the suspected perpetrator. They do not, but they just say so how we tell it was there and that's it, and each of the doubts and even has evidence is a spinner.
The official end of the attack on the Pentagon is refuted, there is something very different happened.
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