Sunday, March 6, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
What Does The Purple Bracelet Mean
I'm just annoyed me an email and some other really happy ...
to my question on the job range and the requirements in terms of class and weekend work, was the first of this response.
good day ....,
if you are teacher or social worker, they are welcome to submit your application to us.
then we invite you to an interview. This all their questions are answered.
Am I sensitive today or is it so very arrogant not to my Question to address. If I do not work and when I do, I can not apply myself.
Since I'm always not really had in mind, I sent the following reply.
Thanks for your answer,
I am a kindergarten teacher, so just because I inquire after the place, working with several years experience in open youth work with young people from immigrant backgrounds, as well as stationary. Also, I have sound training and additional training as a mediator, systemic therapist and in search of drugs and prevention. Since
me so now could not tell what part of them to have awarded the points, I can now not able to match if these could come into question for me. Thus, unfortunately I can not even apply to them.
I wish them a pleasant evening.
Not nice, but I did look for it to be arschig. If the type but still see what he missed, I know from good sources that would otherwise apply for false noses in the residential youth work.
This email me then put my trust in employers nice back.
Good day!
My name is .....
I am the first Chairman of the Association .... eV
We are a full-time parent-initiative-kindergarten with 23 children aged 3-6 years in Hanover.
With great interest I read your ad read on the website of the ini-Kila. We are looking
April / mail or June, a teacher, very happy to part time. The working plan is flexible and we can respond to needs and desires.
If you are interested in working in our children's garden, I'd be very pleased to contact (like in advance by calling ....) and sending your resume.
I am at your disposal for questions.
Sorry really too far away for me. But I will call and ask what the time could compensate for travel time.
It's going to be somewhere a Job type that complies with two children. From the summer I can now also unfortunately only work in the morning. We have given the all-day place of the small, because we are so dissatisfied with the care and is the half-day group due to cutbacks now only up to 13:00 instead of 14:00. Since the Great
but before-school at 13:15 that somehow fits again. The school is located directly on the way home from kindergarten.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Capture To Jpeg Indes
I will not be able to ride with, but I would like to create another way to make this project known.
The source brings peace to the Middle East ...on the homepage of The Source
We invite you, the Peace process in the Middle East to support us active!
Together with Angaangaq, who comes from a culture that never led to war and even the word "war" is not in their language has, we travel through the country and visit several places of power in order to bring added peace of our energy. During the journey to find a peace ceremony in Jerusalem (literally "City of Peace") instead. More information can be found
humanity, Meet, Learn, Move
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Sentinel Pile Is Bigger
I've been annoyed with the last few weeks about the new image of Campania. It is for this stupid page, promotional people strutting leave ... more so I am now the reaction of the band We Are Heroes ... We are not heroes do for "image"
advertise here Question:
Ladies and gentlemen, we are
as an advertising agency with the current image campaign in charge, where we offer top-class celebrity a platform to share their open, honest and unvarnished opinion to FIG.
We are currently planning the next production phase for spring 2011th The newly producing TV and cinema spots as well as poster and advertising motifs to complement the existing designs by Veronica Ferres, Thomas Gottschalk, Philipp Lahm, Richard von Weizsacker, Mario Barth and much more.
for this continuation of the campaign, we want very much, "We are heroes" win.
The beauty of the campaign that it is a good purpose to the best. IMAGE donate in name of each celebrity 10 000, - to € a decisive end to you.
like to call and let us discuss the details. For detailed information, we will send you already attached some further information.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Greetings from Hamburg,
Jung von Matt / Alster Werbeagentur GmbH
And here's the answer
love advertising agency Jung von Matt, regarding your request
whether We at the current image - want to join campaign
I think it chopped off.
The current poster - action picture - with a newspaper called testimonials, so any commentary Geseiere (! Also critical Hear, hear!) Of so-called celebrities (including critical Oho!) Is the perfidious what I've come for a long time is. Will read: safely to your standards a successful action.
Rarely has a campaign so ably played with stupidity on all sides. Because on the one hand, the celebs who think themselves are: Hmm, the tabloids, let's face it, the article already mad a lot of people, that would be smart ... but somehow does not actually, you know, because it is somehow below my level / evil / visible calculating ... And then you come, my agency, and builds these poor celebrity split a bridge, a rickety, slippery, but hey, what the heck, is on the other side, say, a bag of jelly babies. You say, those celebrities: you know what, you just get no money! We give just a little coal in your name, the match already, because of who donates, can have no ego, understand? And also, watch out, here it comes: you can say what you want!
And then think of these celebrities, within its capabilities, some pseudo - distanced from hogwash, something "totally Spitz resourceful, "Clever-or-obligation, or arrogant, or ... And believe it would come off the hook without losing face. And still have achieved an incredible number of bloody stupid people! Hurrah.
On the other hand, which is self-explanatory, the recipient, the bloody stupid that thinking: Man, this picture - newspaper that dares something.
And, the third side: your love of a young dynamic people to it, at least; in a very specialized part of your brain, just know what you do. Except maybe when you come up with the idea, "We are heroes" to ask for the campaign, because, honestly, that would be totally funny if just the ...
The problem is that I'm probably half studied of you , and I know that you learn in the first semester that the medium is the message. Or, again in other words, that there is no "good or for evil" there. That is, I know that you know and I know you shit on it.
The BILD - Zeitung is not a wink to contemplative Trash-cultural and not a harmless "Guilty Pleasure" for well-coiffed supervisor's grains, no witty social reference, not a lifestyle quote. And certainly not the picture - the newspaper, but what you want to sell them: hatred beloved, but largely harmless inventory of a really much smarter Germany.
the tabloid is a dangerous political tool - not just a high-magnification telescope into the abyss, but an evil creature that Germany does not describe, but makes. With an agenda.
in the risk of repeating myself: I believe it chopped off.
With polite regards, Judith Holofernes
The time a message that really made the weekend.
Friday, February 25, 2011
2 Yr Old Mottled Skin
first Would actually it's nice if my technical work already completed would .
second The little table Writes one that tries to clean up before actually ridiculous.
third Last night I was very pleased total, my training course has sent me a very nice card and flowers to recovery .
4th Had is just one of dungarees and note the time the pot belly already so far away .
5th I could never say never . But I've made too much of where I thought I would not do .
6th What a luxury if I a cook and please have a cleaning lady would .
7th As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to bath and an , tomorrow I have planned IKEA and Sunday I would like my new overalls aufhübschen !
As always, there are more here. Send all love greetings to the 100th Friday filler
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Why Do Pregnancy Symptoms Disappear
Many a cliché but true somehow. Just as the talkative of the customers at the barber. I for my part, since like my peace and bring me to not fall into the "golden leaf" and "Colorful" trap, always something to read with.
But yesterday I could not quite the conversation at the next chair deny. An elderly woman told of her resentment at the employment office. It was five years ago, before she is retired, was reported for six months.
A few weeks she has now received a letter from the office, they should be introduced to a certain point, otherwise one would you cut their salaries. They thought it was a mistake and ignored the letter. The story continued with several response letter to the clerk, telephone calls and personal representations to and is now after a few days off the table.
As for me and the hairdresser had to smile over the place which was supposed to start the pensioner. The labor office found the the fee work as a nude model at the Academy of Fine Arts was more than fitting for this lady.
Well I am now but wait to see what blooms me. Have just refused my application on a 20 hour digit easy driving distance of 48 km, which is limited in the rest immediately and at eight weeks.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Does Cervical Polyp Removal Hurt
I'm not really a fan of Carnival. Especially in the children's garden was always a pleasure ... According to ... everything is over tables and benches ... Mountains of otherwise proscribed candy ... Mothers shortly before the nervous breakdown because Maxi dress is not the beautiful hand-made costume will ... Children crying because they do not tighten the costume a Mama and do just before a nervous breakdown, or b (as my little one) because the educators who are otherwise so familiar, all suddenly look very different.
Sure you can have as his joy. Children just love to dress up and finally you can Remmidemmi right times, not to mention the many sweets and pride in Mom's eyes light up because the kids look so cute as Indians, knights, princesses, police ... (Last year it brought us Kiga a ketchup bottle, which I found sometimes original) Very important, now I'm the mom and the teacher may in the beautiful colorful carnival world let alone.
Why do I have just come on this subject? The post office was there and hence that this year more creative on Ebay for a €, risen, costume. I could be from the store with knight, pirate, dragon, prince, Maharaja (original of Omi from India, if that's not) serve, fireman, policeman, vampire, sorcerer, witch and ghost.
But since my son has other ideas and Mum did not link it to their liking. But what it is, I'll just loudly emphasize that we are pacifists and my son, complete with camouflage and helmet tipped quickly push in the team room. The machine gun and the ammunition belt, I will talk him out safely and yet somehow he is indeed very nearly a war-like carnival State
Repossessed Sandrails For Sale
Actually I only wanted just by using my Computerhasi because the new books in my bookworm were not centered ... an eternity, an hour later, real scared ... have now run from my PC ... now everything looks quite different ... The man would like to thank you and praise may not hear of it ... the result so that not even with what I wanted to do is ... Ok first let us get so ...
Here again compare the original to the ...
Into the land of the soul / Olga Kharitidi
Samarkand / Olga Kharitidi
In search of lost the soul / Sandra Ingermann
healing for Mother Earth / Sandra Ingermann
Living well in difficult times / Sandra Ingermann
Heading Shamanic into the next dimension / Clemens Kuby
consciousness Travel / Vera Griebert - Schröder
shamanic journeys to the soul / Vera Griebert - Schröder
The healing power Ritual / Erika Haines
guide to unhappiness / Paul Watzlawick
Why our children are tyrants / Michael Winterhoff
The singing rock / Maria Kaluza, Galsan Tschinag
Where our desire leads
mysticism in the 21 Century / Hunter Willigis
soul Way /
Ina Ruschinski
Lost Secrets of Prayer / Greog Braden
The Way of the Peaceful Warrior / Dan Millman
Return of the peaceful warrior / Dan Millman
Cartoon Of Strep Throat
, biting * chilly * Where others their coffee need to the morning to get going, I need my hot shower. Now prevail in the bathroom again pleasantly fresh 16 ° and the cold water line is frozen, so I could cook, take a shower instead. And no we do not live in the Arctic, but the wind is unfavorable. Outside, we have 8 ° and the wind is blowing unerringly to our little isolated bathroom exterior wall. Am quite happy that the hot water line least still running, so the problem can be remedied in a few minutes, so at least the frozen end with the line, then it is still cold. The heater I have now identified because no need for outside we heat. Hope spring comes soon and I think the theme for the coming year will be building insulation, making it fun again and again what you find in old houses for surprises.
Oh yes, and the eyes are doing better, but now the neck is thick, the viruses appear to celebrate with me a party to all floors.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Allergic Reaction On My Lips
Basically, I have nothing against a couple of hours for me, but if you are sick then, and in particular significantly restricted then it makes no fun.
Since last Monday, I am sick already. Bacterial diagnosis, unilateral conjunctivitis ignition. Ok so we know what is annoying, possibly to put her husband and children also, but is quickly drops around again. But instead of the desired Improvement, it is now from Monday to Wednesday became worse and worse. The family doctor sent me to the eye doctor, who suspects it Virusbeging and is not bacterial. So yet another drug and the drops enterprise if they are still bacteria.
Today it is clear there are viruses, so the next one, probably even the week after next on sick leave. The conjunctivitis is highly contagious, the nurse told me today also slowed down all the doors and asked me not to merely gripping. Now it is
fingers crossed that all others remain healthy, that is purchased today disinfectant for hands probably already too late, but It soothes my conscience.
annoying that I now miss so much content in the training, I hope I can reproduce again. Let's see.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
What To Write In A Wedding Guestbook Funny
Then I use the time once I have to sit down with conjunctivitis at home makes sense and show some photos of the shakedown in recent weeks. Actually I wanted to have long time made, for the past two weeks I "enjoyed" the already feel at home, with one or two sick children. We have here a very common virus caught, for a few days with high fever, quickly seems to fit and then a long phase of not really sick but not really fit. Measly, muddy children are what really fine. But since today is the Great back in kindergarten and after the visit to the doctor after I just hope the little one may again tomorrow. Now even cure my eye again and I can get started with the training again.
Yesterday is also a decision was taken professionally, it is now in the long run their own businesses. Preparation for the exam as medical practitioners for psychotherapy starts in three weeks and parallel I look further to half a point, so I get it financed.
As it was, right now a few pictures of my new hobby.
I'm glad we have such a long-drawn bath. Laying out for a scarf but needs plenty of Place.
Unfortunately, the center to the felt not quite centered, but like the children of my attempt, the boy has the doily the same with his lantern fitted and now she is on the table.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Can Red Wine Change Stool Color
to the Medizinradtreffen in June, I'll drive yourself too. Otherwise, here I am carrying the dates just more ...
Galsan Tschinag
05.07.2011 18.00 h - 21.00 h reading and storytelling evening with Galsan Tschinag. He reads from his new book and talks about Nomadic, shamanic healing and its projects in Mongolia. Rime Center Saarbrücken, Mainzer Strasse 145, 66121 Saarbrücken, Tel 0681-9880206 (Wednesday 15.00 h - 17.00 h)
08.05.2011 10.00 h - 18.00 h Seminar Shamanic Healing Art " with Galsan
Tschinag, Glöckelchen, Angelstr. 18, 64 846 large rooms
Registration and information: Tabea Tschiche Tel 06071-23259
10.05.2011 18.00 h presentation by Galsan Tschinag on "Shamanism and
Science HfG Karlsruhe,
venue to be announced
11.05.2011 20.00 h reading. Galsan Tschinag reads from his new book, with musical accompaniment by
Enkhjargal Dandarvaanchig (Epi),
Stadtwerke Ettlingen, Hertzstr. 33, 76275 Ettlingen, Tel
The bookstore 0743-14293
13/05/2011 19:30 evening experience "The Singing rock 'Basel
Galsan Tschinag invites you to an evening discussion on the basis of the book on topics such as shamanism and Healing and much more
Basler PSI-Verein in, L'Esprit, Laufenstrasse 44/46
14/05/2011 Galsan Tschinag 10-18 workshop invites you to open your senses and perceive things as what they are : No frills and unmasked: find rest, reduce stress, deal with the relaxed life, reflect on the essential values like charity and compassion. Basler PSI-Verein,
15/05/2011 10-17 workshop at the Basel Psi-Association,
16th 5.2011 10-17.30 Seminar Shamanic Healing Arts and Spirituality "
Galsan Tschinag Kaluza and Mary, tauhaus, S. Rosenkranz, Waldstr. 1, 75328 Schömberg, 07 084 / 928 777 -
17th 5.2011 20.00Lesung "The other being" Galsan Tschinag with his new novel, Bookshop Reichert, Marktler Str 47, 84489 Burghausen Tel 08 677 1818, 08679-916150, Fax 08677-914894,,,
venue to be announced.
05/19/2011 10:00 - 18:00 Seminar Shamanic Spirituality Galsan Tschinag Kaluza and Mary, Hofheim am Taunus, Retreat House, 23 Stations of the Cross registration required! In:
Sieglinde Karadonas Phone (06192) 1656 s.karadonas @
20th 5. 2011 19:30 eventful evening: "THE SINGING ROCK - Galsan and Maria talks about Shamanism, healing arts, science or and walkers between worlds "
Location: CARDEA Academy (formerly Vipendo) Vogelsang first race 80 (yard), 50823 Cologne Registration: CC_R = & DB = lus & A = 10,051,333
? 21/05/2011 10-18 Seminar Shamanic Healing Arts and Spirituality "Galsan Tschinag Kaluza and Mary
Location: CARDEA Academy (formerly Vipendo) Vogelsang first race 80 (yard), 50823 Cologne Registration: / pf5.fcgi? CC_R = & DB = A = & lus
10,051,333 22/05/2011 10-17 Seminar Shamanic Healing Arts and Spirituality "Galsan Tschinag and Mary Kaluza
Location: CARDEA Academy (formerly Vipendo) Vogelsang first race 80 (yard), 50823 Cologne Registration: CC_R = & DB = lus & A = 10,051,333
23/05/2011 20:00? An evening to experience "life to make the game" with
Galsan Tschinag, Maria Kaluza and Mongolian music.
Location: Waldorf School St. Augustine 53 757
information and registration: cmc.ClausMueller @
Claus Müller In Rosenau of "Connecting Heaven and Earth - are safely in the middle," 32, 53 630 Königswinter
12-19.00 5/24/2011 Seminar Galsan Tschinag, Maria Kaluza, Angela Zeugner
animata health center, Niendorfer Weg 11 22453 Hamburg application to: Angela Zeugner, Tel 040/55260844,
10-18.00 5/25/2011 Seminar: "Traditional Mongolian medicine and shamanic spirituality" Galsan Tschinag
creative center OASIS · Schaarweg 70 × 23730 Neustadt on the Baltic-Rettin phone (045 61 ) 525 36-10
05/26/2011 19:30 Lecture "The healing force in existence" - with humor and song to bring the soul to vibrate.
Galsan Tschinag in Naturama, Aarau ( SWITZERLAND
10-18.00 5/28/2011 Seminar "healing can happen"
Galsan Tschinag
Hotel Hammer Eigenthal (near Luzern) Registration:, +41 79 205 5582
10-18.00 5/29/2011 Seminar "healing can happen"
Galsan Tschinag
Hotel Hammer Eigenthal (near Luzern) Registration:, +41 79 205 5582
30/05/2011 18:30
evening event "people. Makers. Thinkers. - The shaman in the manager "Galsan Tschinag
02/06/2011 15h Opening 8th Medizinradtreffen "circle of life"
"in order to enable mountains are moving stones
Registration: Bear root eV Lindhorst 05725708857,
Location: Youth Education Centre Thuringian Rhön On Oberg 6, 98 634 Schafhausen Tel 03 69 46-2 47 90 Fax: 03 69 46-2 47 91
06/03/2011 9:30 to 12:15 Seminar "The Creation continues"
14.45-17.15Seminar " Heaven and earth combine 'healing work for us and the earth "Galan Tschinag and Maria Kaluza
Registration: Bear root eV Lindhorst 05725708857,
Location: Youth Education Centre Thuringian Rhön On Oberg 6, 98 634 Schafhausen Tel 03 69 46-2 47 90 Fax: 03 69 46-2 47 91
Does Someone With Hiv Get Sick Less
or the light power of the mind develop
Take good care of that day
Take good care of the day,
because he is the life -
the lives of all life. In its brief course lies
all his
reality and truth of existence,
the bliss of growth, the size
the glory of the force.
For Yesterday is but a dream
and tomorrow only a vision. The
Today, however, quite lived makes every yesterday
a dream of happiness and every tomorrow
full to a vision of hope. Therefore
Look to this day.
Dschela ed-Din Rumi
is often the fear, the concern greater than our confidence. Often, particularly in the media, the fear is stoked about the future. We welcome the future, combining our being and becoming with the power of inner confidence. We meet reinforce the wisdom of our soul; their power of light and understand the language of our soul. By living the now aware, we shape our future. In this seminar we
look after our resources, our capabilities and strengthen our inner strength, our vitality. We want to adopt the old and hot in harmony and peace, the new consciousness welcome.
In shamanic consciousness travel, meditations and rituals, we strengthen our power to live mindfully in the present and thus to pave the way for the new.
No prerequisites are necessary to bring openness and desire to simply be a paradigm shift.
Instructor: Maria Kaluza-www.maka
Vera Griebert-Schröder
time: Friday, 08.07.2011 16.00 clock start to Sunday 10.7. 2011 13.00 clock
Price: 260 - €
account at: Maria Kaluza., 0049 5153 5456
Location: Villa Unspunnen
CH-3812 Wilderswil
Tel +41 (0) 33 821 04 44
Fax +41 (0) 33 821 04 45
Quarter book itself there
Friday, February 11, 2011
Whitehall Rowboat For Sale In Fl
first Just now I am looking forward to Wing Tsun evening.
second The few available jobs grabs me the creeps.
third I have actually managed to Waldorf School is approved by all parties .
4th This evening, a beautiful Bad I'm looking forward!
5th First of all I go in the morning on the scale and see the pounds tumble.
6th I no longer watch news. Since you do see only a bad mood if you look at the political events in our country.
7th As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to the bathtub , tomorrow I had planned on writing in my professional work and Sunday I would like to get around somehow the day. Treasure is not there and after two weeks of sick children do I need a break !
More it is here .