Then I use the time once I have to sit down with conjunctivitis at home makes sense and show some photos of the shakedown in recent weeks. Actually I wanted to have long time made, for the past two weeks I "enjoyed" the already feel at home, with one or two sick children. We have here a very common virus caught, for a few days with high fever, quickly seems to fit and then a long phase of not really sick but not really fit. Measly, muddy children are what really fine. But since today is the Great back in kindergarten and after the visit to the doctor after I just hope the little one may again tomorrow. Now even cure my eye again and I can get started with the training again.
Yesterday is also a decision was taken professionally, it is now in the long run their own businesses. Preparation for the exam as medical practitioners for psychotherapy starts in three weeks and parallel I look further to half a point, so I get it financed.
As it was, right now a few pictures of my new hobby.
I'm glad we have such a long-drawn bath. Laying out for a scarf but needs plenty of Place.
Unfortunately, the center to the felt not quite centered, but like the children of my attempt, the boy has the doily the same with his lantern fitted and now she is on the table.
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