Saturday, February 12, 2011

Does Someone With Hiv Get Sick Less

The power of inner confidence ...

or the light power of the mind develop

Take good care of that day
Take good care of the day,
because he is the life -
the lives of all life. In its brief course lies
all his
reality and truth of existence,
the bliss of growth, the size
the glory of the force.
For Yesterday is but a dream
and tomorrow only a vision. The
Today, however, quite lived makes every yesterday

a dream of happiness and every tomorrow

full to a vision of hope. Therefore
Look to this day.

Dschela ed-Din Rumi

is often the fear, the concern greater than our confidence. Often, particularly in the media, the fear is stoked about the future. We welcome the future, combining our being and becoming with the power of inner confidence. We meet reinforce the wisdom of our soul; their power of light and understand the language of our soul. By living the now aware, we shape our future. In this seminar we
look after our resources, our capabilities and strengthen our inner strength, our vitality. We want to adopt the old and hot in harmony and peace, the new consciousness welcome.
In shamanic consciousness travel, meditations and rituals, we strengthen our power to live mindfully in the present and thus to pave the way for the new.
No prerequisites are necessary to bring openness and desire to simply be a paradigm shift.

Instructor: Maria Kaluza-www.maka
Vera Griebert-Schröder
time: Friday, 08.07.2011 16.00 clock start to Sunday 10.7. 2011 13.00 clock
Price: 260 - €
account at: Maria Kaluza., 0049 5153 5456
Location: Villa Unspunnen
CH-3812 Wilderswil
Tel +41 (0) 33 821 04 44
Fax +41 (0) 33 821 04 45
Quarter book itself there


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